Monday, April 12, 2010

Abbie is our little princess!

Jessie is a Happy Baby!
Baby Beau is Growing up so fast!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Its Almost 2010 so I figured to start a Blog. It may not be the best blog and might take awhile to up date at times, but I will try my best.
2009 went by fast and I am sure 2010 will go by quicker. Abbie was born is 2007, Beau 2008 and Jessie 2009. 3 consecutive years of being pregnant, UG! Kids are getting bigger and wiser, but I am always one step ahead of them, well most of the time! :) They keep Sean and I very busy.

Christmas 2009
Abbie, Beau, Jessie

Jessie Lee